Source code for utils

import numpy as np
from yt.funcs import mylog
import os
import psutil

[docs]def memlog(msg): process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())'%s, RAM=%.4g GB'%(msg,process.memory_info()[0]/2.**30))
[docs]def rotator(vals, ALPHA=0, BETA=0): """Rotate particle set around given angles. Parameters ---------- vals : np.array a Nx3 array typically consisting of either positions or velocities. ALPHA : float, optional First angle to rotate about BETA : float, optional Second angle to rotate about Examples -------- >>> rotated_pos = rotator(positions, 32.3, 55.2) """ c = np.cos(ALPHA) s = np.sin(ALPHA) Rx = np.array([ [1.0,0.0,0.0], [0.0, c, -s], [0.0, s, c] ]) c = np.cos(BETA) s = np.sin(BETA) Ry = np.array([ [ c,0.0, -s], [0.0,1.0,0.0], [ s,0.0, c] ]) # one value to rotate if len(np.shape(vals)) == 1: if ALPHA != 0: vals =, vals) if BETA != 0: vals =, vals) # rotating many values else: from .group_funcs import rotator as rotator_cython rotator_cython(np.asarray(vals), Rx, Ry, ALPHA, BETA) return vals
[docs]def calculate_local_densities(obj, group_list): """Calculate the local number and mass density of objects. Parameters ---------- obj : SPHGR object group_list : list List of objects to perform this operation on. """ if len(group_list) == 0: return try: from scipy.spatial import KDTree, cKDTree from caesar.periodic_kdtree import PeriodicCKDTree'Calculating local densities') except: mylog.warning('Could not import scipy.spatial! ' \ 'Please install scipy to allow for ' \ 'local density calculations.') return pos = np.array([i.pos for i in group_list]) mass = np.array([i.masses['total'] for i in group_list]) box = obj.simulation.boxsize box = np.array([box,box,box]) TREE = PeriodicCKDTree(box, pos) if 'search_radius' in obj._kwargs: if isinstance(obj._kwargs['search_radius'],(int,float)): obj.simulation.search_radius = np.array([obj._kwargs['search_radius']]) else: obj.simulation.search_radius = np.array(obj._kwargs['search_radius']) obj.simulation.search_radius = obj.yt_dataset.arr(obj.simulation.search_radius, obj.units['length']) for group in group_list: group.local_mass_density = {} group.local_number_density = {} for search_radius in obj.simulation.search_radius: search_volume = 4.0/3.0 * np.pi * search_radius**3 inrange = TREE.query_ball_point(group.pos, search_radius.d) total_mass = obj.yt_dataset.quan(np.sum(mass[inrange]), obj.units['mass']) rname = str(int(search_radius.d)) group.local_mass_density[rname] = total_mass / search_volume group.local_number_density[rname] = float(len(inrange)) / search_volume
[docs]def info_printer(obj, group_type, top): """General method to print data. Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`main.CAESAR` Main CAESAR object. group_type : {'halo','galaxy','cloud'} Type of group to print data for. top : int Number of objects to print. """ from import group_types if group_type == 'halo': group_list = obj.halos elif group_type == 'galaxy': group_list = obj.galaxies elif group_type == 'cloud': group_list = obj.clouds nobjs = len(group_list) if top > nobjs: top = nobjs if obj.simulation.cosmological_simulation: time = 'z=%0.3f' % obj.simulation.redshift else: time = 't=%0.3f' % obj.simulation.time output = '\n' output += '## Largest %d %s\n' % (top, group_types[group_type]) if hasattr(obj, 'data_file'): output += '## from: %s\n' % obj.data_file output += '## %d @ %s' % (nobjs, time) output += '\n\n' cnt = 1 if group_type == 'halo': output += ' ID Mdm Mstar Mgas r fgas nrho\t| CentralGalMstar\n' # ' 0000 4.80e+09 4.80e+09 4.80e+09 7.64e-09 0.000 7.64e-09\t| 7.64e-09' output += ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' for o in group_list: cgsm = -1 if (hasattr(o,'central_galaxy')) & (hasattr(o.central_galaxy,'masses')): cgsm = o.central_galaxy.masses['stellar'] output += ' %04d %0.2e %0.2e %0.2e %0.2e %0.2e\t| %0.2e \n' % \ (o.GroupID, o.masses['dm'], o.masses['stellar'], o.masses['gas'],o.radii['total_half_mass'], o.local_number_density['1000'], cgsm) cnt += 1 if cnt > top: break elif group_type == 'galaxy': output += ' ID Mstar Mgas SFR r fgas nrho Central\t| Mhalo HID\n' output += ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' # ' 0000 4.80e+09 4.80e+09 4.80e+09 7.64e-09 0.000 7.64e-09 False for o in group_list: phm, phid = -1, -1 if o.halo is not None: phm, phid = o.halo.masses['total'], o.halo.GroupID output += ' %04d %0.2e %0.2e %0.2e %0.2e %0.2e %s\t| %0.2e %d \n' % \ (o.GroupID, o.masses['stellar'], o.masses['gas'],, o.radii['total_half_mass'], o.local_number_density['1000'], o.central, phm, phid) cnt += 1 if cnt > top: break elif group_type == 'cloud': output += ' ID Mstar Mgas SFR r fgas nrho Central\t| Mhalo HID\n' output += ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' # ' 0000 4.80e+09 4.80e+09 4.80e+09 7.64e-09 0.000 7.64e-09 False for o in group_list: halo = o.obj.galaxies[o.parent_galaxy_index].halo output += ' %04d %0.2e %0.2e %0.2e %0.2e %0.2e %s\t| %0.2e %d \n' % \ (o.GroupID, o.masses['stellar'], o.masses['gas'],, o.radii['total_half_mass'], o.local_number_density['1000'], o.central, halo.masses['dm'], halo.GroupID) cnt += 1 if cnt > top: break print(output)