
The progen module in CAESAR links groups across snapshots, by computing the most massive progenitor(s) or descendant(s) for each group in a different snapshot. Groups (i.e. galaxy/halo/cloud) are linked by finding the most particles in common of a specified particle type (e.g. star). If snapshot numbers are specified in falling order, then progenitors are computed; if in rising order, then descendants are computed. The information is appended into the CAESAR file within the hdf5 dataset tree_data, and are stored separately for progenitors and descendants, as well as separately for each group type and particle type.

Progen over many snapshots

run_progen() is the simplest way to run progen over a list of snapshots, e.g.:

In [1]: caesar.progen.run_progen('/path/to/snapshots/for/m25n256', 'snap_m25n256_', list(range(151,0,-1), prefix='caesar_')

This will find progenitors (since the snapshots are specified in falling order) in snaphots 0-151 for the snapshots in the directory provided as the first argument, with the snapshot basename provided as the second argument. Any snapshots for which a snapshot file or Caesar file are not found, or for which there is no halo_data, are ignored (with a warning).

The snapshot are linked via daisychaining. That is, in the example above, 151 is linked to 150, 150 to 149, and so on (assuming they all exist). If you want to link two particular snapshots, see “Linking two specific snapshots”.

The prefix option specifies the name prefix for the corresponding CAESAR file in the Groups subdirectory; in this case, snap_m25n256_151.hdf5 should have its CAESAR file in Groups/caesar_m25n256_151.hdf5, etc. The example above uses default options for linking progenitors/descendants; other choices can be specified as noted in “Progen options” below. run_progen() only writes the information to the CAESAR file, it does not return anything.

Linking two specific snapshots

progen_finder() links the groups in two specified CAESAR objects, and then writes it to the specified CAESAR file. While normally called from run_progen(), it can be run stand-alone as well. This is useful if e.g. your locations for snapshots and Caesar files are not as assumed in run_progen(). Here is an example using progen_finder():

In [1]: import caesar
In [2]: obj1 = caesar.load(caesarfile1)
In [3]: obj2 = caesar.load(caesarfile2)
In [4]: my_progens = caesar.progen.progen_finder(obj1, obj2, caesarfile1)

plus any options you desire as listed in “Progen options”.

progen_finder() returns the progenitor or descendant list, as well as (by default) writing to the CAESAR file. If you specify overwrite=False, the progenitor/descendant list is returned without actually writing anything to the Caesar file. This is useful if you want to link two particular snapshots but don’t want to save that for posterity.

Progen options

The following options can be passed to run_progen() or progen_finder():

  • data_type: Group type to find progen/descend info for; can be galaxy, halo, or cloud. Default: galaxy

  • part_type: Particle type to find progen/descend info for. Default: star

  • n_most: Finds the n_most most massive progenitors/descendants. If n_most>1, the info is then stored in a array of size (ngroups,n_most). Currently can only be 1 or 2. Default: 1

  • min_in_common: Requires that the current group and the prog/desc group have at least this fraction of particles in common to be considered valid. Default: 0.1

  • overwrite: If True, (over)writes info into CAESAR file. If False, then if it already exists read it in and return it; but if it doesn’t already exist, compute and return it but don’t touch the CAESAR file. Default: True

  • nproc: Number of OpenMP cores (using joblib, passed as n_jobs). progen is already very fast, so this isn’t terribly useful, except maybe for DM halos where there are lots of groups and particles. Default: 1

Where is the info stored?

By default, the progenitor/descendant info is stored in the tree_data dataset within the CAESAR file. This is a separate dataset from galaxy_data, halo_data, etc. Within this, the information is stored as numpy arrays of integers, where each integer corresponds to the index of the group in the other snapshot that is its progenitor/descendant info.

The index name for each array is created by concatenating three pieces of information: Whether it is a progenitor or descendant; the group type; and the particle type. So an example might be progen_galaxy_star, meaning that the indexes in that array are progenitors of galaxies linked via most numbers of stars in common. This array will have exactly as many entries as there are galaxies in galaxy_data.

Each of 3 group types can be linked in two ways (progen/descend) via each of 6 particle types, making for 36 potential index names being stored in tree_data. In detail, galaxies and clouds do not include dark matter particles so e.g. descend_galaxy_dm or progen_cloud_dm2 cannot exist, so there are actually 28 potential index names.

Additionally, tree_data hold the redshift for which the progenitors and/or descendants have been identified. You can retrieve this info using the get_progen_redshift() command:

In [1]: redshift = caesar.progen.get_progen_redshift(my_caesar_file,'descend_galaxy_star')

or similarly for any other choice of index_name.

Auxiliary routines

Some other potentially useful routines are available in progen:

  • z_to_snap(redshift, snaplist_file, mode) finds the closest snapshot in redshift to the provided redshift, from the list specified in snaplist_file. Specifying snaplist_file=Simba uses the snapshot values in the Simba simulation suite. Returns the snapshot number and its redshift.

  • wipe_progen_info(caesar_file, [index_name]) removes index_name info from caesar_file. With no index_name (default), it wipes all datasets containing the word progen or descend; this should return the CAESAR file to the state before any progen was run.

  • check_if_progen_is_present(caesar_file, index_name) checks if the dataset index_name is in the CAESAR file caesar_file

  • collect_group_IDs(obj, data_type, part_type, snap_dir) collects all groups IDs for a given data_type and part_type into a single array, and returns the particle and group IDs along with a hash array of length ngroups which marks the locations of the start of each group.