Loading CAESAR files

Command Line

Using the CLI we can load our CAESAR file from the previous example automatically and have it drop us at an ipython prompt via:

$> caesar caesar_snapshot.hdf5

This will open up the caesar_snapshot.hdf5 file and check for the CAESAR=True attribute in the HDF5 header. If found it will proceed to deserialize the CAESAR file and drop you to an interactive python prompt with access to the main.CAESAR object via the obj variable. At this point you are free to explore the data structure and manipulate at will.


In order to do more in depth analysis, you will likely want to built your own analysis scripts. Before getting into the nuts and bolts of your analysis you will need to load in your CAESAR file to gain access to all objects and their respective attributes. This can be accomplished with the following code:

import caesar

# define input file
infile = 'caesar_snapshot.hdf5'

# load in input file
obj = caesar.load(infile)